EBCL International GmbH

EBC*L scales exams to new heights

Empower through foundational economic knowledge at scale

EBC*L has established itself as the leader in the general business certification space in Europe, defining a new standard for foundational economic knowledge. Founded in 2004, the EBC*L has risen sharply in importance, resulting in 50,000+ successful certifications. More than 1000 organization, institutions, and educational entities are using the EBC*L’s award winning content, tools, and learning collateral.

Paper based certification, alongside the overhead of the exam registration process, has long been identified as a reason that affected the growth for EBC*L. Nevertheless it was very cost intensive for all partners involved. Using bizExaminer, a whole host of these reasons could be successfully addressed.

Phased & measured rollout for broad success

Defined a pilot phase to learn how bizExaminer could help overcome the challenges around scale and automation. Recruited a new set of educational partners to execute the pilot phase with. Highly targeted implementation of the test setup, including custom question types and capabilities.

The pilot phase included in-house testing with partners, as well as a gradual externalization of the system to partners directly. EBC*L established the success of the pilot through a mix of qualitative and quantitative metrics, including the service quality of the bizExaminer service team.

Everyone – and with that I mean everyone: customers, users, partners – are extremely satisfied with the bizExaminer software. Of course this makes me very content and happy!

Victor Mihalic

Scalability yields growth

Using bizExaminer, EBC*L facilitated a record 7200 exams through the first 12 months after the successful deployment of the solution. Post-deployment, EBC*L saw an improved ability to recruit more educational partners to further scale their business.

Significant efficiency gains were realized in servicing the examination workflow and correcting exams. Through bizExaminer software, EBC*L could reduce the registration cut-off time from 14 to 5 days, a significant improvement helping drive more exam registrations. Furthermore, the automation of exam certificates reduced the time required to prepare an exam from 1 hour down to 5 minutes.

Publishing results took multiple weeks, or even months. Through bizExaminer, final exam results can now be published in rapid time.

  • www.ebcl.eu
  • European Business Competence*License (EBC*L) offers an international trainingand certification system for keyand business competences in 25 countries.
  • With 50.000+ candidates from 34 countries it plays a leading position in this field
  • EBC*L has a network of 200+ education partners, such as chambers of commerce in Austria, Germany and Croatia, universities, schools and private training institutions like Alfatraining in Germany
  • Deploy an evaluation workflow which includes ‘text marking’, enabling annotations directly in-browser
  • Implement complex certificate dependencies
  • Honor carryovers from previous exams
  • Setting up a phased approach involving customers early, ensuring knowledge sharing
  • Starting a Beta phase with new partners for rapid feedback on the bizExaminer solution
  • Step by step rollout to all other education partners of EBC*L, applying learnings from previous phases
  • Realize high efficiency gains from a highly automated examination process
  • Using bizExaminer, EBC*L could reduce the registration cut-off time from 14 to 5 days
  • Yield a record 7200 exam attendances through the first 12 months
  • bizExaminer provides EBC*L with a scalable foundation to grow their education partner base for additional scale and business success

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